Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stuff Collected

You know that dead zone in the pacific where all the plastic goo-gaas wind up? We have one of those too; in our garage. Except instead of plastic junk, it is boxes. Lots of stuff, but mostly boxes.

Why are we keeping all those boxes? Do we really think I might return our TV we've had for over a year now? What about the scanner we've had for even longer? The Wii I got for free? Shipping boxes? Wine boxes? Boxes in boxes kept in case there is a present to wrap. All of it just put in the garage and forgotten, just in case I need it. Just in case. Maybe saving them for a rainy day.

Last weekend, I broke down all those boxes with high hopes that they would all be taken away today, our recycling day. It rained last night/early this morning and it was too wet to drag them to the curb. So, as it turns out, they were saved by a rainy day. I like the rain and all, but please don't rain next weds. I've got a dead zone to clean up.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What? I have a Blog

Holy crap!

I have a blog and I haven't been writing? That's kind of like signing up for a class but not going. I have dreams about that all the time, but I never skipped class. Ok, maybe once or twice, but I felt bad about it. Maybe those dreams are about my neglected blog? Maybe I'll try this again. Maybe. If I can find things to write about. Until then. Happy New Year!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Smashed Fridays

My prized souvenirs from the Inauguration...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

View from our ticket section

Not bad. We might be able to see something.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fwd: Obama arts and crafts bling

Obama inspired crafts. Just another sign of celebatory mood in DC


We Are One

Denzel Washington and Bruce Springstein.. Wait ing to hear Obama